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Two Quantum Consciousness nerds having a chat!!
Meet Peter Smith - Founder of Quantum Consciousness Institute and pioneer of this great work. We talk what's possible when humanity embraces this paradigm. Pete also shares the possibility that water may have its...
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Multiverse - Serial Entrepreneur Neville Christie & Nathan King
Neville now over 80 is still going strong. Many years of business experience and multidimensionality we talk the big Tsunami of changes coming to humanity and how we face them head on..
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Phil Anderson 'How to predict the economy'
Ive been following Phil Anderson for many years (circa 2009) and as a previous real estate developer I needed to know what was going to happen economically.. Phil wrote a book that shattered my paradigm on economics...
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Stefan Beitan - Producer of Planet Earth - $1b fund management company - lawyer & Legend on change
This is a great friend of mine... Stefan has had a huge career as a lawyer - film maker - fund manager - and now changing conversations in line with this big shift we are going through... He also use to date Ringo...
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Wealth & Manifestation with Warren Black - Lawyer - Accountant - Financial Planner
This is a good all round discussion that touches on manifestation, wealth, quantum evolution with Warren Black. Warren is a lawyer, accountant financial planner and has a great understanding of the higher realms...
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FREE - Heart opening quantum manifestation activation
I was lead to channel this activation today. We get stuck and exhausted in our journeys. This is an activation back to our authentic genius codes as well as the activation of motion through quantum technology. Enjoy...
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The process of finding our higher identities with Michael Maidens & Nathan King
Michael Maidens and Nathan King talk the deep change and how to practically ride this and bring forth our new vocations in life. Michael's an expert on-line marketer, film maker and consciousness activists. He's a...
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Mutating our genes for deep positive transformation
When we are born there was a specific imprint on your DNA from the planets arrangements. This correlates to a unique path for each of us to transcend. In this podcast I discuss how we take our imprint and transform...
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Taking the first big step - Activation
Im interviewed by James Jones from San Diego on what is this new quantum paradigm that can give us crazy new results. He asks the great questions on how to take the first step. He puts me on the spot to take everyone...
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It's time to go vertical with DR. Shore Slocum & Nathan King
DR Shore and Nathan go deep into the big shift and change that's happening right now and give some great grounded insights into the concept of going vertical...
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Manifesting from two different octaves
In this podcast Nathan talks about the two different forms of manifestation and how they create different results from their use.
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Quantum Talk 1
I explain quantum consciousness and what it is and how it fits into the deep changes we are all feeling.. How it relates to you and the deep changes you are feeling within.
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